Corridor wide traffic signal design of fourteen intersections, communication duct bank system design, Traffic Control
Plan (TCP)/Construction Sequence, and signing and pavement marking design for all the seven segments along the
East End Harrisburg LRT Corridor.

The following is a list of the traffic signals designed under this contract:

Texas Ave/Harrisburg Blvd at Dowling St. Intersection, (A five-leg complex design)
Harrisburg Blvd. at Sampson St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at York St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at Milby St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at Eastwood St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at Lockwood St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at Adams St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at Altic St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at Latham St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at Hagerman Intersection, HAWK Signal Design
Harrisburg Blvd. at N. 67th St./S. Cesar Chavez Blvd. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at N. Wayside Dr. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at S. 69th St. Intersection
Harrisburg Blvd. at 70th St. Intersection, HAWK Signal Design
Texas Ave at Nagle St. Intersection (RR Preemption Devices)